Network Equipment Industry Price Trends (12.23)

Network Equipment Industry Price Trends (12.23)

I. Price Trends of China's Network Equipment Industry The price index of network equipment fell slightly by 0.43 points. The price index for network equipment this week was 101.56 points, a slight decrease of 0.43 points from last week. In the past eight weeks, the network equipment price index fell first and then rose, and then declined slightly. On the whole, the price index of network equipment in the second week of December was the highest, reaching 102.43 points, which was nearly 10 points higher than the lowest point in the second week of November.

From the six major product lines involved in the network equipment industry, the average price of the two product lines of switches and wireless routers decreased significantly this week, and the average price of wireless routers dropped by more than 10%.

Second, the Chinese server market price index trend Server price index rose 1.58 points This week, the server price index was 80.88 points, a slight increase of 1.58 points from last week. From the overall outlook in the past eight weeks, the server price index fluctuates a lot, with the difference between the lowest point in the second week of December and the highest point in the second week of November being 7.92 points. From the average price point of view, the average price of servers this week was 28,890 yuan, up 563 yuan from the previous week.

Sample description: This week's network equipment industry price index trend analysis involved a total of six product lines of servers, switches, routers, wireless routers, wireless internet cards, and wireless network cards. The total number of statistical products was 3,338, of which 521 products weighted Jingdong and Amazon's price. It involves 85 manufacturers (the number of manufacturers does not repeat the statistics).

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