Announcement on the Competitive Consultation of the First Batch of Science and Technology Plan Projects of the Xilin Gol Ultra-High Voltage Power Supply Bureau Production Technology Department in 2016

Pursuant to the entrustment of the supply company of Xilin Gol Ultra-High Voltage Power Supply Bureau of Inner Mongolia Electric Power (Group) Co., Ltd., the first batch of science and technology projects of the Xilin Gol Power Supply Bureau's Production Technology Division were purchased in a competitive negotiation manner. Suppliers are welcome to meet the eligibility requirements. Sign up for the event.

I. Project Overview
1. Project Name: The first batch of science and technology projects of the Xilin Gol Ultra-High Voltage Power Supply Bureau Production Technology Department in 2016
Approval Document Number: Inner Telecom [2016] No.57
Consultation Document Number: JY2016-CGYWZ-CG-JZ016
2. Content and Subcontracting: This project is not subcontracted
No. Equipment Name Unit Purchase Quantity Tender Control Price (yuan)
Total price
1 UHF UHF sensor and PD data acquisition and processing module 1 90000 90000
2 Ultrasonic sensors and PD data acquisition and processing modules 3 60000 180000
3 UHF UHF and ultrasonic signals simultaneous acquisition and superposition analysis module 1 150000 150000
4 hardware filtering, frequency threshold filtering, wavelet noise reduction algorithm of anti-jamming capability and precise positioning method set 1 150000 150000
5 Ultrasonic and UHF UHF-based Low-Temperature Critical Prevention System Development Kit 1 70000 70000
6 Anti-spectral Smart Defect Libraries Development Kit 1 50000 50000
Total 690000
Second, the supplier qualification requirements
1. The supplier has the conditions stipulated in Article 22 of the "People's Republic of China Government Procurement Law."
2. The supplier has the right of enterprise legal person of the People's Republic of China and the right to independently enter into contracts. It must have corresponding service capabilities and have the ability to guarantee the completion of procurement projects on schedule in terms of personnel, equipment and funds.
3. The legal representatives are two or more legal persons of the same company, or the parent companies, wholly-owned subsidiaries, and holding companies of suppliers and suppliers, and only one company may participate in the bid for the same bid.
4. The supplier shall have good commercial credits: provide the Letter of Inquiry on the File of Bribery Crimes during the validity period or (a letter of inquiry of online search results or a written letter issued by the procuratorate on the spot) (the validity period refers to the crime of bribery). The notification result of the file query results is valid within 2 months from the date of issuance and it shows that there was no criminal record of bribery in the past year.
5. In recent years (2013 - present), the supplier has not been qualified to be notified/disclosed by the superior department (Inner Mongolia Electric Power (Group) Co., Ltd.) for fraudulent bid winning, serious breach of contract, quality accident and major contract dispute, and is currently not qualified. During the penalty period, the evaluation team will query the Inner Mongolia Electric Power Materials Co., Ltd. [2016] No. 11 “Notice of Suspension of Bidders’ Qualifications for Bad Behavior Suppliers”.
6, the project does not accept the Commonwealth bid.
7. The bidder must be a software developer (the business scope of the bidder’s business license clearly states the software development, software consulting, etc.).
Third, registration time and method
1. Registration time: Please apply from 9:00 to 11:30 am and 14:30 to 17:00 pm (Beijing time, the same below) between November 14, 2016 and November 16, 2016.